Zinccor-01 zinc-containing anti-corrosion primer, 20 kg 514.43 rub

Zinccor-01 zinc-containing anti-corrosion primer, 20 kg

Created: February 9 2023
Address: Krasnodar, Russia
Anticorrosive zinc-containing primer Zinckor-01 is a unique development of the Perm Powder Plant.
It is designed for long-term protection against corrosion of products, structures and structures made of ferrous metals.
The primer can also be used as an independent protective coating. The surface coated with Zinccor-01 is protected by cathode and barrier mechanisms, the properties of which are laid down by the manufacturer. The coating can be used at temperatures up to 150 ºС
Created: February 9 2023
Was online february 9 18:27
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514.43 rub
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Was online february 9 18:27
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