Journalists in greatcoats. Soldiers of the word 734.80 rub

Journalists in greatcoats. Soldiers of the word

Created: March 23 2024
Journalists in greatcoats. Soldiers of the word Kostanay - photo 1
Journalists in greatcoats. Soldiers of the word Kostanay - photo 2
Journalists in greatcoats. Soldiers of the word Kostanay - photo 3
Journalists in greatcoats. Soldiers of the word Kostanay - photo 4
Journalists in greatcoats. Soldiers of the word Kostanay - photo 5
Address: Kostanay, Kazakhstan
1. Journalists in greatcoats.
About Kazakh journalists who died a brave death in battles with the enemy. 1968
Condition: Gift inscription.
2. Soldiers of the word.
Veterans of Soviet journalism tell. Book 2. 1980
Condition: Binding worn. Owner's signature.
“Soldiers of the word. Veterans of Soviet journalism tell their story.” This is the second book of essays and memoirs by the elders of the party press about that heroic time when Soviet people, under the leadership of the party, paved the way to a new world and defended their land in mortal battles with enemies.

The price is for both books.

Created: March 23 2024
Was online today 10:57
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734.80 rub
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