I will sell glass blocks 485 ₸

I will sell glass blocks

Created: May 24 2022
I will sell glass blocks Kostanay - photo 1
I will sell glass blocks Kostanay - photo 2
I will sell glass blocks Kostanay - photo 3
I will sell glass blocks Kostanay - photo 4
Address: Kostanay, Kazakhstan
Glass blocks are a reliable, durable, non-combustible material. The rarefied environment inside the cubes perfectly retains heat, and also serves as an additional sound insulator. They also let in 60-80% of the light, which is why they allow you to visually preserve the whole space during the actual zoning. Wholesale and retail sales are carried out from the warehouse in Kostanay, Kievskaya st.
Created: May 24 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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