Radio 70 years. Scientific and technical collection 9 500 ₸

Radio 70 years. Scientific and technical collection

Created: March 1 2024
Radio 70 years. Scientific and technical collection Kostanay - photo 1
Radio 70 years. Scientific and technical collection Kostanay - photo 2
Radio 70 years. Scientific and technical collection Kostanay - photo 3
Radio 70 years. Scientific and technical collection Kostanay - photo 4
Radio 70 years. Scientific and technical collection Kostanay - photo 5
Radio 70 years. Scientific and technical collection Kostanay - photo 6
Radio 70 years. Scientific and technical collection Kostanay - photo 7
Radio 70 years. Scientific and technical collection Kostanay - photo 8
Address: Kostanay, Kazakhstan
Radio 70 years. Scientific and technical collection. 1965 Rarity!
Contents: N.D. Psurtsev. Ways of development of radio in the USSR; IN AND. Siforov. The role of radio in space exploration; S.V. Borodich. Radio relay communication; N.I. Chistyakov. Long-distance radio communication on sky waves; N.T. Petrovich. Development of the theory and technology of phase telegraphy; HELL. Fortushenko, M.I. Krivosheev. Technical means of television broadcasting; I.E. Goron. Radio broadcasting technology; I.V. Brenev. Radar and radio navigation; Yu.N. Pariysky, S.E. Haykin. Radio astronomy; B.I. Kuznetsov, I.V. Lishin. Radar studies of the planets of the solar system; M.P. Dolukhanov. Radio wave propagation; G.Z. Eisenberg. Antenna technology; A.M. Prokhorov. Quantum radio engineering; Z.I. Model. Radio transmission technology; IN AND. Siforov. Radio receiving equipment; Ya.A. Fedotov. Semiconductor electronics; N.D. Devyatkov. Electronic devices; B.F. Anosovich. High frequency communication via cable lines; V.A. Telemetry and telecontrol in the national economy.

Created: March 1 2024
Was online yesterday 17:34
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