Sell GoPro Hero 4 12 859 rub

Sell GoPro Hero 4

Created: June 2 2022
Sell GoPro Hero 4 Kostanay - photo 1
Sell GoPro Hero 4 Kostanay - photo 2
Sell GoPro Hero 4 Kostanay - photo 3
Sell GoPro Hero 4 Kostanay - photo 4
Sell GoPro Hero 4 Kostanay - photo 5
Sell GoPro Hero 4 Kostanay - photo 6
Sell GoPro Hero 4 Kostanay - photo 7
Sell GoPro Hero 4 Kostanay - photo 8
Address: Kostanay, Kazakhstan
Selling GoPro. Used it only 1 time. Shoots well and clearly. We sell together with a tripod and all the necessary equipment. You can shoot underwater. A special charging cord is included. The CD card must be purchased separately. Payment only in cash Reason for selling - no longer need it.
Created: June 2 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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12 859 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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