Pure bran, Meat and bone meal, FISH MEAL, COMPOUND FEED, Pea neck 1 400 ₸

Pure bran, Meat and bone meal, FISH MEAL, COMPOUND FEED, Pea neck

Created: June 17 2022
Pure bran, Meat and bone meal, FISH MEAL, COMPOUND FEED, Pea neck Kostanay - photo 1
Pure bran, Meat and bone meal, FISH MEAL, COMPOUND FEED, Pea neck Kostanay - photo 2
Pure bran, Meat and bone meal, FISH MEAL, COMPOUND FEED, Pea neck Kostanay - photo 3
Pure bran, Meat and bone meal, FISH MEAL, COMPOUND FEED, Pea neck Kostanay - photo 4
Address: Kostanay, Kazakhstan
Bran clean, without impurities. Shell. Compound feed USKAMAN and Bogdanovich (price list with prices, see the photo) Meat and bone meal is used as a vitamin and mineral supplement when feeding large and small ruminants, as well as pigs and poultry. This is a very valuable product containing a lot of protein. The use of meat and bone meal allows you to balance the diet of animals and significantly increase their productivity. The inclusion of this product in the diet of laying hens can significantly increase egg production and save a little on feed. You can mix meat and bone meal with chickens both in concentrated feed and in mash. The optimal dose is 7% of the total amount of cereals. Among other things, feeding meat and bone meal stimulates weight gain in animals. It is given to pigs in an amount of 5-15% of the total mass of feed. It can be a very good supplement for both sows and nursery animals. Feeding this product to cattle also allows for a significant increase in productivity. Since cows are still herbivorous animals, they often simply refuse to eat meat and bone meal. In this case, the product is mixed with bran or concentrates with a gradual increase in the dose. In a few days, the amount of flour consumed by cattle should be increased to 10-100 g per head. In small quantities, this product, which is a source of protein, vitamins and minerals, can also be given to other types of farm animals and poultry: ducks, geese, rabbits, guinea fowl, turkeys, etc. In this case, the proportion of flour in the total amount of feed is usually no more than 5-10%. It would be quite justified to use a product such as meat and bone meal for dogs (no more than 100 g per day). This allows you to save a little on feeding animals. This product in this case acts as a meat substitute. Previously, the owners of four-legged friends used flour for feeding quite often. Recently, however, many modern, balanced protein, vitamin and mineral supplements have appeared on the market, designed specifically for these animals. Therefore, meat and bone meal for dogs is currently used quite rarely. Pet lovers consider it more as a budget option for complementary foods. VATS APP 87771610160 call
Created: June 17 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 400 ₸
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