Motorcycle, moto, motor, spare, disk, helmet, mopet, flail, sprocket, 400 000 ₸

Motorcycle, moto, motor, spare, disk, helmet, mopet, flail, sprocket,

Created: April 27 2022
Motorcycle, moto, motor, spare, disk, helmet, mopet, flail, sprocket, Kostanay - photo 1
Motorcycle, moto, motor, spare, disk, helmet, mopet, flail, sprocket, Kostanay - photo 2
Motorcycle, moto, motor, spare, disk, helmet, mopet, flail, sprocket, Kostanay - photo 3
Motorcycle, moto, motor, spare, disk, helmet, mopet, flail, sprocket, Kostanay - photo 4
Motorcycle, moto, motor, spare, disk, helmet, mopet, flail, sprocket, Kostanay - photo 5
Motorcycle, moto, motor, spare, disk, helmet, mopet, flail, sprocket, Kostanay - photo 6
Motorcycle, moto, motor, spare, disk, helmet, mopet, flail, sprocket, Kostanay - photo 7
Motorcycle, moto, motor, spare, disk, helmet, mopet, flail, sprocket, Kostanay - photo 8
Address: Kostanay, Kazakhstan
SANYA Orginal, Fermeni Motacyclder Tikeley Zauyttan SANYA-motorcyclder S_zderdi? nazary?yz?a?aza?stan nary?ynda 1 zhyldan astam ua?yt jo?ary ?tіmdіlіgimen tanymal bol?an, aluan t?rlі motorcyclist men ?osal?s b?lshekter ?synamyz: -Zho?ary sapa ( 100%). -Keremet design. - Zhol Tal? Amaityn. - Well? Msa? well? fig. -Zamanaui t? lpar. -Who?il service. -We?you?oz?alt?ysh. -Senimdi tezheush. -Zha? Armai? And? German. -LED headlights. -Audio (USB, Blutooth MP3) - Helmet-helmet (aluant? stі) signs?? a! -Aldy??s d??gelek 325/18 -Art?s d??gelek 350/18 -Benzinge 100/km-3L -Aynalmaly 5 speeds -Kepіldіk 2zhyl nemese 100,000 km ). Satylymda: SANYA-150(k?k, ?yzyl, ?ara, zhasyl) SANYA-200(k?k, ?ara, ?yzyl, zhasyl) ! B?lip t?leugebolady (?lfa bankar?yly 8/12/24 ai?a) Baylanys n?mir 8 708 806 5343 8 707 272 7576
Created: April 27 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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400 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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