Method. manuals on literature 1940-80s 180 000 ₸

Method. manuals on literature 1940-80s

Created: May 18 2023
Method. manuals on literature 1940-80s Kostanay - photo 1
Method. manuals on literature 1940-80s Kostanay - photo 2
Method. manuals on literature 1940-80s Kostanay - photo 3
Method. manuals on literature 1940-80s Kostanay - photo 4
Method. manuals on literature 1940-80s Kostanay - photo 5
Method. manuals on literature 1940-80s Kostanay - photo 6
Method. manuals on literature 1940-80s Kostanay - photo 7
Method. manuals on literature 1940-80s Kostanay - photo 8
Address: Kostanay, Kazakhstan
Condition: Used 
Methodological manuals on literature of the 1940s-80s. The condition is different. Rarity! Wholesale.

A.A Kayev Russian literature Reader Part one Uchpedgiz 1953 Textbook for teacher institutes
Russian literature Reader for 9th grade of secondary school 1969
Foreign literature Reader 8-10 grade 1984
Foreign literature Manual for an elective course for students in grades 8-10, 1975.
Native literature Reader for 4th grade, 1970.
Native literature Reader for 5th grade 1965.68.
Native literature Reader for 6th grade, 1955.
Native literature Reader for 7th grade, 1955.
Native literature Reader for 8th grade 1962 \2 copies\
Russian literature Reader for 9th grade of secondary school Part 1 1955.
S.M.Florinsky Russian literature Textbook 1970
Abramovich G.L. Introduction to literary criticism Uchpedgiz 1953
Eight-year and secondary school programs for schools with Russian as the language of instruction for the 1973\74 academic year. Literature. Ed. Mektep 1973
Literary reading at school. Methodological manual for teachers 1954.
Dictionary of literary terms 1974.
Development of students' speech in the process of studying in secondary school 1954.
Foreign literature of the 18th century Reader in 2 volumes
Foreign literature of the Middle Ages 1974
Guidelines for the anthology "Native Literature" for grade 7 Uchpedgiz 1953
A.F. Kiseleva Acquaintance with painting in literature lessons Uchpedgiz 1954
Pedagogical readings From the experience of teaching Russian literature KazUCHPEDGIZ 1954.
Eight-year and secondary school programs for the 1971\72 academic year. Russian language and literature for grades 4 - 10 of Russian school. Almaty 1971
Irakli Andronnikov Stories of a literary critic. 1972
V.I.Kuleshov History of Russian criticism. 1972
A.A.Lipaev Methods of literary reading 1954
Reader for 10th grade, 1948.
Reader 7th grade 1954
Native literature 7th grade

Russian literature 8th grade 1950s?
A.F. Zakharkin Russian poets of the second half of the 19th century Teacher's Manual 1975
E.A.Maimin Experiments in literary analysis 1972
L.V. Shchepilova Textbook Introduction to literary criticism 1968
N.O. Korst and S.A. Smirnov Methodological instructions for teaching literature in the 8th grade, 1954.
Assignments for correspondence secondary school students Literary reading 7th grade Uchpedgiz 1954
On the guidance of extracurricular reading for students in grades 5-7 Methodological letter 1954.
Extracurricular work on literature at school. Pedagogical readings. 1955
History of Russian literature of the 17th-18th centuries 1969
All-Union School of Rational Reading First assignment Moscow 1990
E.I. Vysochina An image carefully preserved Pushkin’s life in the memory of generations. Teacher's book
Raevsky N. Portraits spoke. 1974.
Literature of the peoples of the USSR Reader 1979
Russian literature of the 18th century Textbook-Anthology. Alma-ata 1991
Russian Soviet literature Reader 1st grade 1983
Studying the works of N.V. Gogol at school in 1954.
ShB M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin Lord Golovlevs 1977
Belinsky Selected articles 1972
Kastorsky S.V. M. Gorky's story "Mother" Uchpedgiz 1954
Native speech Book for reading in the second grade of primary school 1963,1966.
Native speech Book for reading in the fourth grade of Uchpedgiz elementary school
Russian literature Textbook for secondary school 1966.
Native word book for reading in 1st grade 1969\cover missing/
Felix Kuznetsov. The most blood connection. Book for teachers 1987
V.G. Smolitsky From Ravelin 1977 About the fate of N.G. Chernyshevsky's novel "What to do?"
I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" 1989
S. Mikhalkov "Responsibility to time." Book for teachers 1990
N. Dobrolyubov "Selected Articles", Critical Articles 1977.
N.I. Muravyova. Foreign literature. "Uchpedgiz". 1963
Foreign literature. 8-10 grades. Reader Part 1. comp. Skorodenko V.A. 1987
Lakhostsky K.P. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Biography. A manual for students. Moscow Enlightenment 1964.
RUSSIAN LITERATURE for grades 5-6 of evening (shift) schools, Moscow "Enlightenment" 1974.

There are methodological literature on the Russian language of the 1950s-80s.
Magazines "Literature at school", "Russian language at school". 1960-70s
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Created: May 18 2023
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