Electrodes 3.2mm 350mm Lincoln electric Pipeliner 7 000 ₸

Electrodes 3.2mm 350mm Lincoln electric Pipeliner

Created: May 25 2022
Electrodes 3.2mm 350mm Lincoln electric Pipeliner Kostanay - photo 1
Address: Kostanay, Kazakhstan
Sold electrodes 3.2mm * 350mm Lincoln electric Pipeliner 19P in tubes of 4.5 kg. The price is per package Available 32 tubes (4.5 kg each) Designed for welding the root seam of pipes of strength class not higher than X80 (K60) on the rise. Recommended for welding "hot", filling and facing passes of pipes of strength class up to X65 (inclusive). Excellent impact strength at low temperature. Guaranteed penetration facilitates the process of welding pipes in difficult conditions. Spatial positions during welding: in all spatial positions. KEY FEATURES: Welding electrodes with low hydrogen content, Welding of fixed joints of K65 pipes from the bottom up, High Charpy impact strength at -46°C. TYPICAL APPLICATION: Execution of filling and facing layers of the seam on pipelines of strength class K65. Price for 4.5 kg, per pack. No Trading!
Created: May 25 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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7 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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