Disinfection Disinsection Extermination of cockroaches, bedbugs, rats, mice

Disinfection Disinsection Extermination of cockroaches, bedbugs, rats, mice

Created: July 15 2022
Disinfection Disinsection Extermination of cockroaches, bedbugs, rats, mice Kostanay - photo 1
Disinfection Disinsection Extermination of cockroaches, bedbugs, rats, mice Kostanay - photo 2
Address: Kostanay, Kazakhstan
We guarantee the LOWEST PRICES with the highest quality! Strictly ANONYMOUS and CONFIDENTIAL for the client! It is possible to arrive within 30 minutes! - - - - - - WARRANTY up to 1 YEAR - - - - - - - - Effective | Safe | Promptly The quality of work in this business is the most important thing and compliance with safety regulations! - - - - - - - - - We have been working since 2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We conclude an agreement for the services rendered - - - - If you have recently called someone and it did not help you, DO NOT DEPRESS , maybe you just got unlucky with the performers, (perhaps inexperienced, weak solutions, etc.) - Deratization (destruction of rodents) - Disinfection (destruction of microorganisms) - Deodorization (destruction of odors) - Fumigation (spraying poisons) - Herbicide treatment (weeds , unwanted vegetation, etc.) Treatment of houses, apartments, change houses, hostels, hostels, industrial premises, government agencies, offices, warehouses, etc. Reinforced treatment with a cold / hot fog generator + combinations of 2-5 preparations + barrier protection. All services are guaranteed for up to 12 months, accompanied by a contract and an act of work performed. Imported odorless drugs, safe for humans and animals! Processing time: 30-40 min We process with a cold and hot fog generator! We conclude a contract for all services. We use only certified preparations of the 3rd generation of the best foreign manufacturers (safe for people and animals, odorless and traces on wallpaper, furniture).. Attention!!! Phone consultation 24/7 We value our customers, therefore, during consultation, we name a real, reasonable price and give a written guarantee for the result! We use professional equipment: dry steam generators, cold fog and hot fog, pumps and sprayers. We provide a full range of services: Disinfection, Disinsection, Deratization, Deodorization. We carry out processing in locations: private house, apartment, room, office, warehouse, retail outlet and public catering, hostel, hotel, hostel, industrial premises, personal plot.
Created: July 15 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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