Stroller for children from 0-3 years old 90 000 ₸

Stroller for children from 0-3 years old

Created: May 3 2022
Stroller for children from 0-3 years old  - photo 1
Stroller for children from 0-3 years old  - photo 2
Stroller for children from 0-3 years old  - photo 3
Stroller for children from 0-3 years old  - photo 4
Stroller for children from 0-3 years old  - photo 5
Stroller for children from 0-3 years old  - photo 6
Stroller for children from 0-3 years old  - photo 7
Stroller for children from 0-3 years old  - photo 8
Condition: Select 
I will sell a pram UHABABY transformer in excellent condition. Color gray is suitable for both fry and girls. Very comfortable and manoeuvrable. Includes rain cover and mosquito net. The handle is adjustable. Easily folds and unfolds. The block is adjusted facing the parent, or facing the world. The stroller has two pairs of rubberized, tubeless wheels. The front small ones rotate around their axis and are fixed by pressing a button. The rear wheels are big. Equipped with front wheel and frame shock absorbers. The backrest is adjustable up to the lying position.
Created: May 3 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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90 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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