Sell cleaning paint for walls 18 000 ₸

Sell cleaning paint for walls

Created: May 25 2022
Sell cleaning paint for walls Kokshetau - photo 1
Sell cleaning paint for walls Kokshetau - photo 2
Address: Kokshetau, Kazakhstan
I will sell 2 cans of 9 liters each. Washing light paint can be repainted in any color. I bought it for myself in the summer, but since for the paint it was necessary to even out the walls, paste the wallpaper and the paint was not needed. The price of 1 can is 18 thousand fresh. I bought it in the summer. Now it has already risen in price, now its price in the store is 24 thousand tenge as a gift, a liter paint is the same, its price was 2500, I give it as a gift
Created: May 25 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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18 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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