Masseur Estet

Created: May 16 2022
Masseur Estet Kokshetau - photo 1
Address: Kokshetau, Kazakhstan
Sedentary work in one position? Muscles clogged after intense workouts? Or just back pain? Welcome to my table! General massage is the best means for a good mood, a positive attitude and well-being. Improve muscle tone, disperse lymph or lactic acid, straighten the joint, relieve spasms, remove salts, toxins, toxins and excess fluid, get rid of spasms, swelling, adhesions, scars and seals, improve ligament flexibility, recover from injuries. Without bruises, stretch marks and ruptures of blood vessels. Book a back massage and get a free head massage. Sign up for an appointment right now! As well as other types of massage, such as, General massage-8000 thousand. Back massage-6000 Head massage-2000 thousand Foot and foot massage - 4000 thousand. Honey and anti-cellulite massage (with an emphasis on the problem area (stomach, sides, thighs, etc.)), and of course Sculptural and Buccal facial massage (we smooth out deep wrinkles, make a clear oval of the face, raise the wings) My name is Alina, I am certified Specialist (Masseur-esthete) I work for the result and for quality! I will be glad to see you at home! By appointment in advance, write to vatsap 87719066517 I DO NOT DO BODY Work schedule: from 10:00-19:00 The office is located at 79 Sh.Ualikhanov str.
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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