Ring harrows BRK-8 2 865 720 rub

Ring harrows BRK-8

Created: May 20 2022
Ring harrows BRK-8 Kokshetau - photo 1
Ring harrows BRK-8 Kokshetau - photo 2
Ring harrows BRK-8 Kokshetau - photo 3
Ring harrows BRK-8 Kokshetau - photo 4
Address: Kokshetau, Kazakhstan
Ring harrows "Leader-BK" - a new class of implements for complex surface tillage. The operation of ring harrows is based on the use of original working bodies made in the form of rings having the shape of a truncated cone, assembled into batteries. The batteries are located in two rows at an angle to the direction of movement of the unit, while the large bases of the rings are directed forward in the direction of movement. They ensure the destruction of up to 98% of weeds, the creation of a mulching layer, high-quality leveling of the field surface (see more details). High productivity achieved due to high operating speed (up to 18 km/h), low fuel consumption (according to the results of tests at the Povolzhskaya MIS - 3 kg/ha) ensure high economic efficiency of the technological process. APPLICATION: Treatment of fallow fields, Pre-sowing treatment on autumn backgrounds after moldboard and non-moldboard plowing, Surface mulching treatment of stubble backgrounds on light, non-compacted soils. Harrows "Leader-BK" - the most effective tools for mechanical weed control! These are the only machines in the world that ensure the removal of weeds from the soil along with the root system without pruning. In this case, the removal of the root system of weeds is carried out from a depth significantly exceeding the depth of tillage. OPTIONS FOR USE OF THE HARROW: In spring field work: 1) Early spring closing of moisture with simultaneous loosening and leveling of the surface: cleaning). 2) Pre-sowing tillage for sowing early spring grain, industrial and small-seeded crops. 3) Pre-sowing tillage for sowing late spring crops with simultaneous destruction and combing of germinated weeds. 4) High-quality incorporation of mineral fertilizers and herbicides. During the summer period: 1) Fallow treatment - destruction and combing of weeds with simultaneous leveling of the field surface, 2) Introduction of fallow lands into circulation (see SuperTOZ technology). In the autumn period: 1) Preparation of the soil for sowing winter crops, 2) Processing the surface of the field with simultaneous leveling, even distribution of straw, provoking weed seeds and carrion. Call the number: 87000999814, 87778743152
Created: May 20 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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2 865 720 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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