iphone 8 64gb condition like new 75 000 ₸

iphone 8 64gb condition like new

Created: May 1 2022
iphone 8 64gb condition like new Kokshetau - photo 1
iphone 8 64gb condition like new Kokshetau - photo 2
iphone 8 64gb condition like new Kokshetau - photo 3
iphone 8 64gb condition like new Kokshetau - photo 4
iphone 8 64gb condition like new Kokshetau - photo 5
Address: Kokshetau, Kazakhstan
Phone brand: Apple 
Hello, I’m selling an iPhone 8 64gb phone in perfect condition scratches chips no everything works Touch ID works the phone has not been opened not a drowned person the equipment is not a complete box there is not a big bargain I’ll sell it at a meeting write call whatsapp or call this phone: 87751446318
Created: May 1 2022
Was online december 9 11:52
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75 000 ₸
Was online december 9 11:52
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