Equalizer"Surf" E-014С / Color music " Electronics" TsM-03 20 000 ₸

Equalizer"Surf" E-014С / Color music " Electronics" TsM-03

Created: June 2 2022
Equalizer"Surf" E-014С / Color music " Electronics" TsM-03 Kokshetau - photo 1
Equalizer"Surf" E-014С / Color music " Electronics" TsM-03 Kokshetau - photo 2
Equalizer"Surf" E-014С / Color music " Electronics" TsM-03 Kokshetau - photo 3
Equalizer"Surf" E-014С / Color music " Electronics" TsM-03 Kokshetau - photo 4
Address: Kokshetau, Kazakhstan
EQUALIZER "Surf E-014C" Taganrog Issue: 1990 Price: 20000tn. Ten-band equalizer with discrete slider-type resistors. The unit has a switch for inputs for different signal sources, as well as a button for bypassing the equalization circuits, which allows you to compare the sound before and after applying the equalizer. The equalizer is powered by the mains, the power consumption is 5 watts. Photo 4: Working color music "Electronics" tsm-03, produced in the USSR. Price: 15000tn. We are located on Abylai Khan Avenue. NO TRADING. Final price!!!
Created: June 2 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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