Polystyrene block 1 200 ₸

Polystyrene block

Created: May 26 2022
Polystyrene block Kyzylorda - photo 1
Polystyrene block Kyzylorda - photo 2
Polystyrene block Kyzylorda - photo 3
Polystyrene block Kyzylorda - photo 4
Polystyrene block Kyzylorda - photo 5
Polystyrene block Kyzylorda - photo 6
Polystyrene block Kyzylorda - photo 7
Polystyrene block Kyzylorda - photo 8
Address: Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
87028762023 Blocks are produced on the latest modern professional equipment from METEM. What is the advantage of "Polystyrene block brick" compared to burnt brick? 1. Thermal insulation 2. Material costs 3. Cost of work 4. Insulation material 5. Joint width 6. Construction time 7. Brick price moisture resistance and frost resistance, Low thermal conductivity (a wall of 30 cm thick polystyrene concrete blocks corresponds to almost 1.5 meter brick wall), High sound insulation, Almost does not shrink, Polystyrene concrete can be sawn, drilled, milled, and finishing elements can be fastened with nails, like to ordinary wood. In terms of its characteristics and consumer properties, this material is closest to wood, but has a greater durability. In this regard, polystyrene concrete is a fairly convenient material for use in construction and repair, as well as in terms of ensuring the comfort of living. Size 600x300x200
Created: May 26 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 200 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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