I ask for help, help Budlaska

I ask for help, help Budlaska

Created: April 28 2022
I ask for help, help Budlaska Kharkiv - photo 1
Address: Kharkiv, Ukraine
I'll be radium for whatever products, pralny powder, dear! The pennies will run out! The war came without a knock, without a hitch, there was no possibility of that th where, I have a disabled brother (epilepsy, psoriasis in an important form), which will require opiki that at a glance! Use the ointment "Kartalin", only help to remove stunted stinging and heal cracks and wounds on the body! Radium be-yakіy dopomozi, I support good people! I know new houses
Created: April 28 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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