Kentau, Kazakhstan
Satellite Finder is a device that helps you find a satellite when setting up a satellite dish and allows you to more accurately position the dish to the satellite. This device greatly simplifies and speeds up the process of setting up a satellite dish. I can send to any region Kz. A cable from a satellite receiver is connected to the TO REC socket, an adapter is connected to the TO LNB socket, which goes to the satellite antenna converter. The adapter connecting the converter and SatFinder is usually made short, 1-1.5m long, for ease of setup. The device is connected between the receiver and the antenna (in close proximity), but not in front of the satellite dish (the device may show incorrect values). Before searching, you need to select the desired satellite in the receiver antenna settings menu and turn on the LNB power. When the receiver is turned on, the supply voltage is applied to the converter and the device turns on, which is indicated by the backlight of the dial indicator and a slight deviation of the device arrow. After switching on, it is necessary to approximately (as accurately as possible) direct the dish to the desired satellite. Set the arrow on the scale approximately in the middle by adjusting the signal level knob. Slowly changing the azimuth (left-right) and the angle of elevation (up-down) of the satellite dish, achieve the maximum deviation of the instrument needle. If the instrument pointer deviates beyond the value of "10", adjust the signal level knob, reducing the instrument readings to the "5" division. Slowly move the antenna again (left-right and up-down), achieve the maximum deflection of the instrument needle. If, when trying to move the antenna mirror up or down, the arrow creeps back, then this is the maximum, you can tighten the fasteners. After all the puffs, check as follows. We take the antenna by the edges of the mirror and, due to elasticity, move (bend) it. The arrow of the device should creep down both with the left and with the right movement. The same is true when bending the mirror up and down due to elasticity. If the arrow leans back, then the antenna is tuned to the maximum. If the arrow creeps in the direction of increase, then the antenna should be adjusted in the direction in which the mirror deviates, the arrow increases the readings. After that, satellite tuning is completed. Specification: 2 connectors: for connecting a receiver (TO REC) and a converter (TO LNB), Meter indicator, Gain control knob (dB), Two LEDs (on some models they may be absent) signaling the presence of a 22kHz tone (green LED) and horizontal (vertical) polarization H/V (red LED), buzzer that facilitates antenna pointing. Further information: Direction of a satellite dish.
№203738 Created: June 2 2022
Was online january 13 11:19