Care for the elderly and the disabled. Nurse at her home in Kaskelen.

Care for the elderly and the disabled. Nurse at her home in Kaskelen.

Created: May 18 2022
Care for the elderly and the disabled. Nurse at her home in Kaskelen. Qaskeleng - photo 1
Address: Qaskeleng, Kazakhstan
I offer babysitting services in my home. A nurse works around the clock. It is possible with an overnight stay from 1 to 30 days. The house has everything you need. Work schedule without days off. Full meals provided, walks in the fresh air. For a day from 5000 tenge. Daily regular care, control of medication intake. Health monitoring. Tel. 87478373545
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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