Karagandy, Kazakhstan
Destruction of cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, ticks and other insects and rodents at the lowest prices! We process with a cold and hot fog generator. Also with a manual sprayer using high-quality preparations. - Chemistry is safe for children of animals - There are no traces on wallpaper and furniture, We give a guarantee for processing, We conclude a contract for all services. We will advise and help you properly prepare for processing. Get rid of annoying insects FOREVER! WARRANTY under the contract up to 1 year! SAFE drugs! QUALITATIVELY! Let's look into every corner, into every crack! PROFESSIONALLY! Our craftsmen will definitely find a hearth, a place of accumulation of insects and rodents with the help of special equipment and eliminate it. We work without days off. Processing of houses, apartments, restaurants, change houses, hostels, hostels, industrial premises, government agencies, offices, warehouses, summer cottages, etc. Reinforced treatment with a cold / hot fog generator + combinations of preparations. Disinsection - treatment from insects: destruction of bed bugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas, mosquitoes, flies, etc., Disinfection - destruction of mold, infections. Deratization - rodent control: extermination of rats, mice, moles. All services are guaranteed, accompanied by a contract and an act of work performed.
№228717 Created: July 15 2022
Was online january 13 11:19