Salesman needed for half a day Maikuduk

Salesman needed for half a day Maikuduk

Created: October 10 2022
Required sales assistant for stationery and mobile accessories department. The department is located in Maykuduk. Working hours 5/2. Opening hours: from 14.00 to 20.00. Days off Thursday and Saturday. Sunday full time. Salary: 2000 exit + % of sales. The seller's responsibilities include: - Selling goods - Consulting customers - Printing and photocopying of documents (photo) - Laying out goods on a showcase - Maintaining cleanliness Send a brief resume to the number: +77001500877 (Whats App). I don't read messages here.
Created: October 10 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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