Chair chairs office only to order oryndyk keremet sapa wholesale 6 500 ₸

Chair chairs office only to order oryndyk keremet sapa wholesale

Created: July 13 2022
Chair chairs office only to order oryndyk keremet sapa wholesale Karagandy - photo 1
Chair chairs office only to order oryndyk keremet sapa wholesale Karagandy - photo 2
Chair chairs office only to order oryndyk keremet sapa wholesale Karagandy - photo 3
Chair chairs office only to order oryndyk keremet sapa wholesale Karagandy - photo 4
Chair chairs office only to order oryndyk keremet sapa wholesale Karagandy - photo 5
Chair chairs office only to order oryndyk keremet sapa wholesale Karagandy - photo 6
Chair chairs office only to order oryndyk keremet sapa wholesale Karagandy - photo 7
Address: Karagandy, Kazakhstan
Our specialists are already 5 years old From 50pcs or more there is a discount Office chairs metal body Upholstery (Tapestry, leather) color of your choice We accept orders from 50-100pcs and more Our workshop produces 200pcs chairs per day Longevity 5 years or more with good handling Tapsyrys berip ?lgir Baasy, 6500 tenge Tel: 8 778 922 6530 8 777 451 0184
Created: July 13 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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6 500 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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