Siding, facade panel under Timber, Stone, Brick, Spruce, Cedar 2 925 ₸

Siding, facade panel under Timber, Stone, Brick, Spruce, Cedar

Created: May 24 2022
Siding, facade panel under Timber, Stone, Brick, Spruce, Cedar Karagandy - photo 1
Siding, facade panel under Timber, Stone, Brick, Spruce, Cedar Karagandy - photo 2
Siding, facade panel under Timber, Stone, Brick, Spruce, Cedar Karagandy - photo 3
Siding, facade panel under Timber, Stone, Brick, Spruce, Cedar Karagandy - photo 4
Siding, facade panel under Timber, Stone, Brick, Spruce, Cedar Karagandy - photo 5
Siding, facade panel under Timber, Stone, Brick, Spruce, Cedar Karagandy - photo 6
Siding, facade panel under Timber, Stone, Brick, Spruce, Cedar Karagandy - photo 7
Siding, facade panel under Timber, Stone, Brick, Spruce, Cedar Karagandy - photo 8
Address: Karagandy, Kazakhstan
The company sells acrylic siding and facade panels Timberblock (TIMBERBLOCK), Stone House (STONE HOUSE), Hokla (HOKLA). The entire collection of color palettes, spotlights and siding accessories are available. Direct deliveries from Yu-Plast plant. Also available is a wide range of roofing, waterproofing, thermal insulation and facade solutions for your home. Buy everything in one place! Available: Siding Slate "STONE-HOUSE". Siding Brick "STONE-HOUSE". Siding Stone "STONE-HOUSE". Siding Cedar "TIMBERBLOCK". Siding Spruce "TIMBERBLOCK". Siding Oak «TIMBERBLOCK». Siding Ash "TIMBERBLOCK". Hokla siding "TIMBERBLOCK". We will help you make the right decision: 1. At your request, we will send to WhatsApp: photos of goods, finished objects, videos, presentations, price lists, quality certificates and catalogs. 2. Let's make a selection of photos by collections. 3. Consider all possible combinations of colors with your facade. 4. We will make a presentation on your project at home. 5. We will measure and calculate the required quantity for free. 6. We will meet your budget. 7. We will select highly qualified installers to work with our material. 8. Buying from us, you can be sure of the product, we give guarantees and quality certificates. 9. Personal customer service. 10. We organize delivery to all regions of Kazakhstan. 11. Individual discount for each client and special prices for wholesalers. 12. Lending through HomeBank. 13. KASPI PAY and QR payment We have excellent service and maintenance. We are waiting for you! Call or WhatsApp. Our office st. Kazakhstanskaya 2, (Near the Shakhtar stadium) Our warehouse DSK: Saranskoye Shosse 8a Working hours: Mon-Fri - 9:00 to 18:00 - Without a break Our website: Brick site: Instagram sska_kz
Created: May 24 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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2 925 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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