Selling Redmi Note 8 42 000 ₸

Selling Redmi Note 8

Created: May 1 2022
Selling Redmi Note 8 Karagandy - photo 1
Selling Redmi Note 8 Karagandy - photo 2
Selling Redmi Note 8 Karagandy - photo 3
Selling Redmi Note 8 Karagandy - photo 4
Selling Redmi Note 8 Karagandy - photo 5
Selling Redmi Note 8 Karagandy - photo 6
Address: Karagandy, Kazakhstan
Phone brand: Xiaomi 
I welcome everyone, the phone is being sold in very good quality, I bought it half a year ago, condition 10/10, I wore it only on a case, I put it on charge when 20% and remove it when 85%, so the phone does not deteriorate the battery and so I walk all day. This phone has all the supporting documents!!
Created: May 1 2022
Was online november 30 2023 11:27
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42 000 ₸
Was online november 30 2023 11:27
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