VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan year 486 805 rub

VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan year

Created: May 6 2022
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Karagandy - photo 1
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Karagandy - photo 2
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Karagandy - photo 3
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Karagandy - photo 4
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Karagandy - photo 5
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Karagandy - photo 6
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Karagandy - photo 7
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Karagandy - photo 8
Address: Karagandy, Kazakhstan
Model: 2170 Priora Sedan 
Greetings to all I will sell Priora 2 2013 1 owner from the salon bought in 2014 in March drove carefully. All the bones are a whole engine and caropka in excellent condition hodovka is also in good condition nothing needs to be done recently changed the timing belt completely the alternator also the oil interior is clean there are winter tires ringing from 8:00 to 22:00
Created: May 6 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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486 805 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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