Supply valve DomVent, Room aerators, ventilation! 10 000 ₸

Supply valve DomVent, Room aerators, ventilation!

Created: May 22 2022
Supply valve DomVent, Room aerators, ventilation! Karagandy - photo 1
Supply valve DomVent, Room aerators, ventilation! Karagandy - photo 2
Supply valve DomVent, Room aerators, ventilation! Karagandy - photo 3
Supply valve DomVent, Room aerators, ventilation! Karagandy - photo 4
Supply valve DomVent, Room aerators, ventilation! Karagandy - photo 5
Supply valve DomVent, Room aerators, ventilation! Karagandy - photo 6
Supply valve DomVent, Room aerators, ventilation! Karagandy - photo 7
Supply valve DomVent, Room aerators, ventilation! Karagandy - photo 8
Address: Karagandy, Kazakhstan
• Stuffiness in an apartment with installed double-glazed windows? • High humidity, foggy windows, musty smell and mold? • Noise, dust from the street, drafts during ventilation? What to do? For you, we offer an excellent solution - to install a wall-mounted ventilation inlet valve "Domvent-Optima" will help you! How does he work? The valve works due to the difference in air pressure from outside to inside the room. This is how the natural influx and heating of fresh air occurs, but at the same time, heat does not leave the room, as during ventilation. ? a constant influx of fresh air allows you to saturate the room with oxygen, ? works economically without electricity, ? protection from extraneous noise, dust, insects from the street, ? simplicity and safety in service, it is enough to wash the filter once a year, ? adjustment of the supplied air with a damper, ? Affordable price, ? no drafts, air heating in winter due to the heating system, ? ideal for any buildings (comfortable apartment, house, office). The cost of the supply valve "Domvent - Optima" together with the installation: 17,000 thousand tenge. !!!! NEW!!!! !!!there are also supply Aerators KazVent of domestic production at reduced prices!!! We work at a convenient time for you, efficiently, quickly and with a guarantee!
Created: May 22 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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10 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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