Hair polishing to any length - 2000 tons. Karaganda southeast guilder 2.

Hair polishing to any length - 2000 tons. Karaganda southeast guilder 2.

Created: May 15 2022
Hair polishing to any length - 2000 tons. Karaganda southeast guilder 2. Karagandy - photo 1
Address: Karagandy, Kazakhstan
Do you want to get rid of the split ends of your hair and at the same time not lose in the total length? Then hair polishing is for you. With the help of hair polishing: 1) the hair looks well-groomed for about 2-4 months, 2) from 70 to 90% of split ends are removed along the entire length, 3) the hair is no longer tangled and easy to comb, 4) the length of the hair is maintained. The procedure takes from 20 to 50 minutes, depending on the density and length of your hair. I accept at home the city of Karaganda, the southeast region of Gulder 2. The cost is 2000 + 500 tons. To cut the ends. Departure is possible (south, city) + 500 tenge. Whatsapp 87007510260
Created: May 15 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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