Stone wool MINPLIT Penoplex Thermal and sound insulation materials 900.13 rub

Stone wool MINPLIT Penoplex Thermal and sound insulation materials

Created: May 24 2022
Stone wool MINPLIT Penoplex Thermal and sound insulation materials Karagandy - photo 1
Address: Karagandy, Kazakhstan
CKFI LLP sells heat-insulating materials from the trademarks TECHNO, Izobokos, Izover, Isotherm, KNAUF, URSA of Russian and Kazakhstani production. Material thickness from 50 to 200 mm, density from 11 to 200 kg/m3. All products have certificates. ISOBOX LIGHT - ROLL 1200*6000*50, 45 density (0.48m3 / 9.6m2) ISOBOX EXTRALIGHT 1200*600*50, 30 density (0.432m3 / 8.64m2) ISOBOX Inside, 45 density (0.216m3 / 4, 32m2) TECHNO Acoustic, 40 density (0.288/ 5.76m2) ISOBOX Vent Ultra 50mm, 70-80 density (0.216m3 / 4.32m2) ISOBOX Vent Ultra 100mm 70-80 density (0.288/ 5.76m2) ISOBOX Ruf H30 110 density, (0.216m3 / 4.32m2) ISOBOX Ruf B60 180 density, (0.144m3 / 2.88m2) ISOBOX Ruf 45 135 density, (0.216m3 / 4.32m2) Specify prices by phone: 8 778 401 04 24 We work in cash and non-cash payment. Prices with VAT. All products are certified. Our address: Karaganda, Bytovaya st. 13/1, office 1 (TD "Kazameta", right wing)
Created: May 24 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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900.13 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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