Cleaning nozzles (injectors) and throttle assembly

Cleaning nozzles (injectors) and throttle assembly

Created: May 12 2022
Cleaning nozzles (injectors) and throttle assembly Karagandy - photo 1
Cleaning nozzles (injectors) and throttle assembly Karagandy - photo 2
Cleaning nozzles (injectors) and throttle assembly Karagandy - photo 3
Address: Karagandy, Kazakhstan
Professional diagnostics and flushing of injectors with removal at the stand. Flushing the throttle assembly and idle channels, adapting the throttle valve. - Dismantling of nozzles - Dismantling of the throttle assembly Diagnostics of nozzles on the stand for leakage, performance, spray torch performance, injection uniformity. - Washing nozzles in an ultrasonic bath. The cavitation zone occurs directly in the channel of the nozzle, fuel glow and needle. -Diagnostics on the stand after flushing (to evaluate the results of flushing) -Disassembling the throttle assembly and flushing it. Flushing of channels of idling. idle adjustment. If possible it all depends on the design. -Adaptation throttle body (if required). Diagnostics and flushing of removed injectors 1000./pc. Attention. Flushing with removal requires spare parts. They are paid and purchased separately. -Before flushing, it is recommended to change the fuel filter and the strainer in the tank. * Base price. If additional disassembly is required for the installation of injectors or throttle assembly, it is paid separately, depending on the complexity. Our address is Kamskaya 2/3 Teretoriya Avtoselmash complex. Our Instagram-avtoelektrik09.krg
Created: May 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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