Vacuum cleaner cheap, working 22 000 ₸

Vacuum cleaner cheap, working

Created: May 10 2022
Vacuum cleaner cheap, working Кайтпас - photo 1
Vacuum cleaner cheap, working Кайтпас - photo 2
Vacuum cleaner cheap, working Кайтпас - photo 3
Vacuum cleaner cheap, working Кайтпас - photo 4
Vacuum cleaner cheap, working Кайтпас - photo 5
Address: Кайтпас, Kazakhstan
A good vacuum cleaner is cheap and profitable? A fast, powerfully cleaning, neat Samsung ML - 3128 Vacuum Cleaner is for sale. The most budget option you can ever have. Call, love, write - 87716946598 P.s The only negative is that dust on the filter quickly fills up, so regular cleaning is required
Created: May 10 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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22 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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