Zh?k Tasymaldau/Cargo taxi/Cargo transportation. Loaders. We are cheaper!

Zh?k Tasymaldau/Cargo taxi/Cargo transportation. Loaders. We are cheaper!

Created: July 15 2022
Zh?k Tasymaldau/Cargo taxi/Cargo transportation. Loaders. We are cheaper! Zhezqazghan - photo 1
Address: Zhezqazghan, Kazakhstan
Daily from 9:00 to 21:00. 8 (777) 238 40 35 8 (778) 843 73 33 73-33-33 77-55-55 Cargo transportation within the city and intercity. Trucks from 3 meters to 6 meters. Load capacity up to 5 tons. Experienced drivers, strong and experienced movers. Cash and non-cash payment. 7th order is free. We provide all the necessary documents. One call from you and we are on our way!
Created: July 15 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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