Stationary transistor radio "Lira RP-231" 6 000 ₸

Stationary transistor radio "Lira RP-231"

Created: June 2 2022
Stationary transistor radio
Stationary transistor radio
Address: Zhezqazghan, Kazakhstan
The stationary transistor radio "Lira RP-231" has been produced by the Izhevsk Radio Plant since 1990. The radio receiver ',', Lira RP-231',', was produced for areas that do not have broadcast one or three program broadcasting or which stopped working for some reason. The radio receiver has high sensitivity and provides reliable reception of VHF-FM radio stations within a radius of 30 kilometers due to a small, about a meter long piece of wire. The receiver has three fixed settings for the selected stations. There is an AFC and connectors for the input and output of the low-frequency signal. The LF input can be used to amplify the LF channel of the broadcast line. Frequency range: 65.8...74.0 MHz. Sensitivity from the input of the (passive) external antenna 20 μV. The range of reproducible sound frequencies in terms of sound pressure is 150..10000 Hz. Rated output power 0.5W. Power consumption 5 W. Receiver dimensions - 420x187x95 mm. Weight 4 kg.
Created: June 2 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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6 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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