
Created: June 5 2022
   year Zhezqazghan - photo 1
   year Zhezqazghan - photo 2
Address: Zhezqazghan, Kazakhstan
BMW 530 contract mator 90,000 mileage. Installed gas is expensive, but after installing a contract engine, 100% did not drive on gas. At the moment, the problem is in the box, namely in Mechatronics (automatic transmission control unit) does not see the gears correctly. Rubber winter summer. R19 and R 16. In the circle native glasses. Everything in the cabin works as it should. Due to this issue, the price has been reduced. The sale is only for insurance, in a year I can re-register, everything can be done by a notary.
Created: June 5 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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826 650 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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