Auto diagnostics, auto electrician for all car brands since 1990

Auto diagnostics, auto electrician for all car brands since 1990

Created: May 12 2022
Auto diagnostics, auto electrician for all car brands since 1990 Zhezqazghan - photo 1
Auto diagnostics, auto electrician for all car brands since 1990 Zhezqazghan - photo 2
Auto diagnostics, auto electrician for all car brands since 1990 Zhezqazghan - photo 3
Auto diagnostics, auto electrician for all car brands since 1990 Zhezqazghan - photo 4
Address: Zhezqazghan, Kazakhstan
Auto electrician on departure!Computer auto diagnostics of all brands and including old cars since 1989! (cars and trucks) for departure. 4 000 tenge Measurement of compressions 4 000 tg. Thickness gauge services 3 000 tenge. Autopick!! 8775-265-32-50 Installation of radio and speakers.. Avtodiagnostika_zhezkazgan Detection of fault codes, as well as their decoding and removal. Getting information about the state of the car on the graphic display. So, the user has access to information about the coolant temperature, the ignition angle and the number of revolutions. Management of the mechanism to analyze its operation and detect failure. Saving information in the waveform in digital format for further use of the data. Working with ECU identification information. Application of data on the service condition of the car (mileage, date of issue, etc.).
Created: May 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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