Games ps4/5 digital versions; license 2 990 ₸

Games ps4/5 digital versions; license

Created: November 15 2023
Games ps4/5 digital versions; license  - photo 1
Games ps4/5 digital versions; license  - photo 2
Games ps4/5 digital versions; license  - photo 3
Games ps4/5 digital versions; license  - photo 4
Games ps4/5 digital versions; license  - photo 5
Digital versions of games on PS4/5 are reliable with a guarantee; we work throughout Kazakhstan; large customer base. Games are installed in the console memory; only licensed versions; completely identical to the disk version but several times cheaper! Installation is carried out; directly by bringing the console to me or via video call remotely; where I will explain everything in detail step by step; online and universal games are provided with a long-term guarantee; in case of loss; removal from the console or transfer to another console; I restore access to the account. There are assemblies with a good discount; everything is negotiated individually for each client. There are three option for installing games (offline) - excluding access to the Internet; (online) - game with constantly connected Wi-Fi and a guarantee of lifetime use; and (universal) is similar to online but the game is played from a personal account and there is no dependence on the connected Internet. Payment is made on Kaspi Gold or Yandex wallet. For any questions, call; write 87******422 reviews and price psngames.almaty
Created: November 15 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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2 990 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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