carpentry yard

Created: May 18 2022
carpentry yard Гульдала - photo 1
carpentry yard Гульдала - photo 2
carpentry yard Гульдала - photo 3
carpentry yard Гульдала - photo 4
carpentry yard Гульдала - photo 5
carpentry yard Гульдала - photo 6
carpentry yard Гульдала - photo 7
carpentry yard Гульдала - photo 8
Address: Гульдала, Kazakhstan
The carpentry workshop will produce doors, furniture, gazebos, decoration of taverns and restaurants, bar counters, as well as everything for baths and saunas according to individual sizes. Furnaces, lining, hangers, mirrors, tables and benches. Decorative mills, wells, fences, tapchans and much more other. from natural wood and veneer as well as loft furniture.
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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