GoPro 8 black under warranty 120 000 ₸

GoPro 8 black under warranty

Created: November 15 2023
GoPro 8 black under warranty  - photo 1
GoPro 8 black under warranty  - photo 2
GoPro 8 black under warranty  - photo 3
GoPro 8 black under warranty  - photo 4
GoPro 8 black under warranty  - photo 5
GoPro 8 black under warranty  - photo 6
Selling Go Pro 8 Black; I bought a new one half a year ago, I didn’t use it often, it’s in excellent condition, it comes with a head mount; hand mount; safety mount; both the monopod mount and the original mount are not in the photo but it is there I will sell it urgently, minimum bargaining
Created: November 15 2023
Was online december 9 11:52
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120 000 ₸
Was online december 9 11:52
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