Shower room is almost new and in perfect condition. 200 000 ₸

Shower room is almost new and in perfect condition.

Created: May 22 2022
Shower room is almost new and in perfect condition.  - photo 1
Almost new in perfect condition, located at the address Atyrau detour elevator private territory base, it is convenient to take to the areas via Indriver on passing trucks and gazelles, as a detour and exit of the city, delivery is possible. Much of the furniture was bought new and stood for 2, 4 months, the prices are indicated with a concession of 30, 40% below the market, there is still a discount for those who buy several goods, we are selling because the cottage was demolished and we are building a new, and urgent move. If it's not available, whatsapp, I'll call you back. if not available whatsapp call me back
Created: May 22 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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