I'm looking for an electric guitar. A migrant, the house burned down.

I'm looking for an electric guitar. A migrant, the house burned down.

Created: April 28 2022
I'm looking for an electric guitar. A migrant, the house burned down. Dnipro - photo 1
I'm looking for an electric guitar. A migrant, the house burned down. Dnipro - photo 2
Address: Dnipro, Ukraine
I ask those who are not indifferent to respond. I am from the city of Popasna, I moved to the Dnieper. My city was wiped off the face of the earth, I left on February 24 and left EVERYTHING at home. In the photo, my instruments are left at home and the house itself after the shelling, at Kalyuzhny 2. I don’t ask for free, I’m ready to buy, for some adequate money, because music is my bread, my work, but I rent a house for 10,000 a month + utilities, and with me a wife and a small child who need to be fed. Perhaps someone has a tool idle. Please suggest in messages. In general, I'm looking for everything related to musical activity. I managed to take only studio headphones, an audio interface and an old laptop, which is very difficult to write on. Does anyone have PC parts? I'm not looking for games, I'm looking for work. Thanks everyone! Everything will be - Ukraine!
Created: April 28 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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