assistance to the victims of Russian aggression

assistance to the victims of Russian aggression

Created: April 28 2022
assistance to the victims of Russian aggression Dnipro - photo 1
Address: Dnipro, Ukraine
The charitable foundation "Stephania Dnipro" is a charitable organization, created for the defense of the rights and freedoms of people, the citizens of Ukraine, who suffered at the hands of the aggressor in the rose-wild Russia against Ukraine. In the very hour, the activity of our organization is directed to the support of the victims. Просимо Вашого сприяння у наданні благодійної допомоги українським переселенцям,українцям які мають фінансові скрутні обставини, мешканцям сірої зони, дітям сиротам, напівсиротам, самотнім людям похилого віку, людям з інвалідністю, малозабезпеченим шляхом надання благодійної допомоги Благодійної Організації «Благодійний Фонд «СТЕФАНІЯ ДНІПРО» в natural looking, but itself: • Izha (grubs of long-term savings, child eating), • Pobutovy speech (special hygiene, diapers grown up), • Bedding whiteness, carpets, mattresses, pillows, shlunkovі zasobi, bandage, cotton wool), • and more. On our side, our Organization will ensure the transportation and transfer of your gracious donation to help the victims of the military aggression to the people of Ukraine. I support your innocence. Please take care of the podtrimki! Forgiveness, we salute you our vdyachnіst! Together to victory!
Created: April 28 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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