Stroller Cybex Leotie Flex Lux Jeans 120 000 ₸

Stroller Cybex Leotie Flex Lux Jeans

Created: May 3 2022
Stroller Cybex Leotie Flex Lux Jeans  - photo 1
Stroller Cybex Leotie Flex Lux Jeans  - photo 2
Stroller Cybex Leotie Flex Lux Jeans  - photo 3
Stroller Cybex Leotie Flex Lux Jeans  - photo 4
Stroller Cybex Leotie Flex Lux Jeans  - photo 5
Stroller Cybex Leotie Flex Lux Jeans  - photo 6
Stroller Cybex Leotie Flex Lux Jeans  - photo 7
Condition: Select 
Selling baby stroller. I bought it new, a month later I installed normal bearings in the axle for a smoother ride. The main advantage of the stroller is that the child can sit both facing you and the world. The stroller is in good condition and fully functional. There is one flaw - the son chewed the handle a little (you can see it in the photo), it doesn’t affect the speed, and it’s probably just repaired
Created: May 3 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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120 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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