Coal, coal, foundry coke, in bulk and in bags 0.18 rub

Coal, coal, foundry coke, in bulk and in bags

Created: October 6 2022
Coal, coal, foundry coke, in bulk and in bags Chelyabinsk - photo 1
Coal, coal, foundry coke, in bulk and in bags Chelyabinsk - photo 2
Address: Chelyabinsk, Russia
Coal, coal, foundry coke, in bulk and in bags
free delivery within the city:
when buying from 10 tons and more.
1. hard coal, in bulk fraction from 50-250 mm, production of Kuzbass-Kemerovo. Kazakhstan. It burns great.
2. coke, in bulk, big-bag fraction from 0-100mm + production of Kuzbass-Kemerovo, Altai, Mechel. It burns great.
3. coal, coke in bags of 40 kg. production Kemerovo (Kuzbass), Kazakhstan calorific value 6600 kcal
Ooo Albatros
Russia, Chelyabinsk region, Chelyabinsk
8-963-073-51-39, 8-932-019-04-80, 8-951-447-99-41
Created: October 6 2022
Ильдар Султанович
Was online yesterday 12:22
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0.18 rub
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Was online yesterday 12:22
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