We offer sea and railway containers 20 0.18 rub

We offer sea and railway containers 20

Created: October 6 2022
We offer sea and railway containers 20 Chelyabinsk - photo 1
We offer sea and railway containers 20 Chelyabinsk - photo 2
We offer sea and railway containers 20 Chelyabinsk - photo 3
Address: Chelyabinsk, Russia
We offer sea and railway containers 20; 40 ft. boo
free loading.
free delivery within the city.
1. containers 20 feet width 2.45m length 6.0m height 2.6m weight 2.2 tons.
2. containers 40 feet width 2.45m length 12.0m height 2.6m weight 4.0t.
3. containers 40 feet, high, width 2, 45m length 12, 0m height 2, 9m weight 4, 2 tons.
Ooo Albatros
Russia, Chelyabinsk region, Chelyabinsk
8-963-073-51-39, 8-932-019-04-80, 8-951-447-99-41
Created: October 6 2022
Ильдар Султанович
Was online yesterday 11:06
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0.18 rub
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Ильдар Султанович
Was online yesterday 11:06
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