Tire fitting. Balancing, tire repair. Editing "cast", iron disks.

Tire fitting. Balancing, tire repair. Editing "cast", iron disks.

Created: May 13 2022
Tire fitting. Balancing, tire repair. Editing "cast", iron disks. Бостандык - photo 1
Tire fitting. Balancing, tire repair. Editing "cast", iron disks. Бостандык - photo 2
Tire fitting. Balancing, tire repair. Editing "cast", iron disks. Бостандык - photo 3
Tire fitting. Balancing, tire repair. Editing "cast", iron disks. Бостандык - photo 4
Tire fitting. Balancing, tire repair. Editing "cast", iron disks. Бостандык - photo 5
Tire fitting. Balancing, tire repair. Editing "cast", iron disks. Бостандык - photo 6
Tire fitting. Balancing, tire repair. Editing "cast", iron disks. Бостандык - photo 7
Address: Бостандык, Kazakhstan
Starting March 22, registration for tire re-beading begins. Call 87771392625 (not WhatsApp). Price list: Tire conversion: Passenger cars - 6000 tenge, Crossover - 8000 tenge, Jeep - 9000 tenge, "Gazelle" - 14000 tenge. Editing of disks: Iron - 3000 tenge (passenger car), Light-alloy - from 4000 tenge (passenger car). Tire repair - from 4000 to 6000 tenge. Consumables (weights, second-hand valves) are paid in addition to the cost of work. LEGAL CLIENTS DISCOUNT FROM 10 TO 15%. Address: Petropavlovsk, st. Pushkina 167, Phones: 87771392625, 87071392625, 87001392625. Working hours: from 9:00 to 20:00 daily.
Created: May 13 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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