I will sell or exchange a goat alpiy nubian eshky goat kids saanen sheep 125 000 ₸

I will sell or exchange a goat alpiy nubian eshky goat kids saanen sheep

Created: June 16 2022
I will sell or exchange a goat alpiy nubian eshky goat kids saanen sheep Боралдай - photo 1
I will sell or exchange a goat alpiy nubian eshky goat kids saanen sheep Боралдай - photo 2
I will sell or exchange a goat alpiy nubian eshky goat kids saanen sheep Боралдай - photo 3
I will sell or exchange a goat alpiy nubian eshky goat kids saanen sheep Боралдай - photo 4
Address: Боралдай, Kazakhstan
I will sell or exchange an Alpine Nubian goat 50% 50% For sheep tokushek koshkarov or for Tai with my surcharge The price of a goat is 125 thousand tenge This moment gives 2 liters of milk The milk is very tasty and odorless
Created: June 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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125 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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