visiting auto electrician

visiting auto electrician

Created: May 12 2022
visiting auto electrician Боралдай - photo 1
Address: Боралдай, Kazakhstan
Departure of Autoelectrician city of Almaty and Almaty region (GALYM). Departure around the city. The car stalled on the move, it won’t start, we’ll come, we’ll help you, we’ll fix it. PETROL. DIESEL. HYBRID. Professional and accurate car troubleshooting. Car repair shop Service, generators, starters. Starting the car with further repairs. Removal and installation of units at the site of the breakdown, replacement of the timing belt at the site of the breakdown, depending on the brand of car, removal of the tank, cut out the hatch, installation of a fuel pump of any complexity at the site of the breakdown of the car, everything is professionally high-quality. For trifles, please do not disturb the restoration of auto braids, pinouts of any complexity, computer diagnostics, as well as slammed the doors, carefully and competently open the trunk. +77085084469 WACAP
Created: May 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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