A child born in 2022 drowned.


A tragic accident occurred yesterday, June 5, in the Mangistau region — a child born in 2022 drowned in the Caspian Sea, the nur portal informs.kz with reference to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the Telegram channel of the ministry, the incident occurred in an unprotected place for swimming, 5 kilometers from the village of Kuryk. The cause of the accident is a violation of the rules of conduct on the water. The circumstances of the incident are being investigated by the investigative task force. Rescuers urge citizens of Kazakhstan to observe safety measures on the water and not to leave children unattended. Earlier it was reported that in Ekibastuz, a five-year-old child, left without adult supervision, fell into a pit with water and died from drowning. In early May, a similar tragedy occurred on Lake Sadyrkol in the Ulan district of East Kazakhstan region: a two-year-old child, left without parental supervision, also drowned.

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