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  • The average salary has increased 1.9 times over the past five years

The average salary has increased 1.9 times over the past five years


The average salary has increased 1.9 times over the past five years, and women's growth has been faster than men's. In 2023, the highest average monthly salary was recorded in Atyrau region — over 607 thousand tenge, Mangystau region — 535 thousand tenge and in Ulytau region — 483 thousand tenge. The lowest salaries were in the North Kazakhstan region — 262 thousand tenge, Zhambyl region — 269 thousand tenge, Zhetisu region — 269 thousand tenge and in Turkestan region — 270 thousand tenge. According to National statistics, average wages are growing at a faster pace in some industries. For example, in the field of information and communications — by 34.6%, in financial and insurance activities — by 23.3%, in energy — by 22.9%.The highest salaries were recorded in the mining industry (2.1 times higher than the average level), in the financial sector (1.9 times) and in the field of information and communications (1.6 times).

In May, the cost of living per capita (PM) exceeded 49 thousand tenge. This amount should be enough

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