Problematic thermal power plants with a high risk of accidents and unavailability for the next heating season are located in at least ten cities of Kazakhstan. The Minister of Energy named them at a meeting of the Mazhilis following the results of the state audit of the efficiency of management in the field of heat supply. Where are the problematic CHP facilities that cause concern, these are the CHP in Ridder, Tekeli, in Semipalatinsk CHP—1, Shakhtinsk, in Pavlodar CHP-2, in Shymkent CHP-3, «MAEK-Kazatomprom» CHP-1, CHP-2, Zhezkazgan, there are certain concerns about CHP-2 in Petropavlovsk. These are the objects for which the ministry's control is necessary and which we plan to implement," Kazakh Energy Minister Almasadam Satkaliyev said. At the same time, the speaker of the Mazhilis Yerlan Koshanov noted that the minister's personal presence in problem areas is necessary: — By the time you gather, winter will come. Why do we need to tell the whole schedule? Tell us where you have been and what the situation is there. The Minister replied that the schedule of visits has been developed and agreed with local akimats. First Deputy Prime Minister Roman Sklyar will also visit the problematic CHP plants. In her speech, the head of the Supreme Audit Chamber Natalia Godunova said that the state audit was conducted on behalf of the President due to emergency situations that arose in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2022-2023. We checked 47 state institutions and 44 subjects of natural monopolies. Revealed: — financial violations for 23 billion tenge; — inefficient budget planning for 37 billion tenge; — economic losses and lost profits for 117 billion tenge. Systemic problems of the industry There is no agreement in the actions of republican and local government agencies. There is no systematic approach to the development of the industry. State regulation of the industry is carried out by several ministries: energy, industry and infrastructure development, national economy — plus akimats. Risk management is fragmented. The Ministry of Energy checks only those objects for which it is responsible. There is no common system for all facilities in Kazakhstan.
During the meeting of the Majilis, it was announced that there are problematic CHP plants with a high risk of accidents and unavailability for the next heating season in ten cities of Kazakhstan. According to the speech of the Minister of Energy Almasadam Satkaliyev, the objects in Ridder, Tekeli, Semipalatinsk, Shakhtinsk, Pavlodar, Shymkent, Zhezkazgan and Petropavlovsk cause concern. The Minister noted the need for control by the department and announced planned visits to problematic thermal power plants. However, the speaker of the Mazhilis Yerlan Koshanov noted that the personal presence of the minister at these points is necessary.
The above-mentioned meeting also included the presentation of the results of the state audit of the efficiency of management in the field of heat supply. The head of the Supreme Audit Chamber Natalia Godunova reported on the revealed financial violations, inefficient budget planning and lost profits totaling 180 billion tenge. Systemic problems of the industry were also found, including uncoordinated actions of government agencies, the lack of a systematic approach to the development of the industry and the fragmentation of risk management.
In light of the above-mentioned problems, the Minister of Energy proposed the creation of a unified coordination structure for heat supply management in the country in order to solve the systemic problems of the industry and coordinate the actions of government agencies at all levels. He also noted the need to introduce digital technologies in the management of the industry to increase its efficiency and reduce risks. Although the situation with problematic thermal power plants and the efficiency of management in the field of heat supply in Kazakhstan is of serious concern to the government, thanks to the initiatives of the department, positive results can be expected in the near future.